Friday, 17 August 2018

Independence Day Celebrations

Another week has past and as I look back over it I am amazed by how God is truely working in the lives of each of these children. I am so thankful that He has brought me to India and that I can have a real impact on their lives, spiritually and practically. I have built strong friendships with all of the children as they are always so kind towards me. It is a joy to be able to pray for their spiritual growth and then see my prayers being answered right before my eyes as they have such a desire and hunger for the Word of God.

The bus ride home after school
The bus ride home after school 

However, there are always challenges each day as they are still children who naturally want to disobey. At times I get frustrated and disappointed not only at them but at myself, for I often miss wonderful opportunities to add even more value to their lives because of the laziness of my flesh. Each day it is a battle to put off the flesh and to put on Christ and to show Christ's character in all that I do. Thankfully I don't have to rely on my own strength for this, for I know that God's Holy Spirit is working in me and through me each day.

“But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts.” - Romans 13:14

We looked at the above verse last week in relation to our study on the life of Joseph where he had put on the colourful robe that his father gave him and in like manner how we are to put on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our time in the Word of God each day continues to be a blessing and show fruit. This week we had two special bible studies just for the older boys and then for the older girls. We had a very useful time studying gender specific teaching and then personally encouraging each other in our Christian walk.

Sunday morning message from God's Word
Sunday morning message from God's Word
There has been a tremendous amount of rain over the past two weeks, far more than expected. Thankfully Hunsur is situated a great way above sea level and therefore doesn't experience issues with flooding. However further south in Kerala, especially on the coast line, they have been having major issues with a lot of people killed and countless homes lost due to flooding. When it rains heavily the local government announces that the schools are to be closed for the day because a lot of kids will get sick from the wet and cold.

This week there has only been two actual school days. Independence Day was on Wednesday then Thursday's rain cancelled school and finally with very short notice Friday was declared a public holiday to respect to the former prime minister who passed away on Thursday evening.

Assembly practice in the rain
Assembly practice in the rain
Immanuel (Raju's son) and John Mark with the girls marching team
Immanuel (Raju's son) and John Mark with the girls marching team
Independence Day celebrations started at 7am at the school with the school band playing, the marching team parading, and the national anthem being sung. It continued through the morning with several groups of students performing dances, skits, songs and speeches.

A group of 8 year old girls performing a dance for the school
A group of 8 year old girls performing a dance for the school
Everyone watching intently
Everyone watching the dances intently
Lots of people at the town square celebrating Independence Day
Lots of people at the town square celebrating Independence Day
At times it is difficult to contribute to the teaching at the school as the teachers already have a set program of what to teach, which is quite a boring lesson of memorising answers for an always upcoming test. However I try to add value where I can and look for opportunities to use my time wisely. I try and spend around two or three hours each day learning the Kannada language through specific English to Kannada textbooks which I find quite useful. I am also planning to start up a special computer class just for the older boys from the children's home after school as they have been asking for it.

Again, much prayer is needed for the Lord's work in India. For God would desire that the gospel would go out and many be saved. Not only this but that each believer would be taught the truth and be fully equipped for every good work.

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