Friday, 20 July 2018

The Trials and Joys of Tamil Nadu

Last week it was decided that we would go to Tamil Nadu for four days. The aim of the visit would be to see the work the Lord is doing, to encourage the believers there, and strengthen their faith through the teaching of His Word. Raju has been actively involved in setting up assemblies in that area since the 2004 tsunami hit and has made the trip over there many times.

I wasn't too sure what I was getting into but it was very different to what I expected. There were times of great difficulty and frustration but then there were also times of great joy and encouragement. Below is a brief overview of the trip.

We left first thing Monday morning and made the long journey down the Western Ghates, dropping more than 2,000 metres into Tamil Nadu.

Driving down the Western Ghats to the vast plains of Tamil Nadu
Driving down the Western Ghats to the vast plains of Tamil Nadu