Last week it was decided that we would go to Tamil Nadu for four days. The aim of the visit would be to see the work the Lord is doing, to encourage the believers there, and strengthen their faith through the teaching of His Word. Raju has been actively involved in setting up assemblies in that area since the 2004 tsunami hit and has made the trip over there many times.
I wasn't too sure what I was getting into but it was very different to what I expected. There were times of great difficulty and frustration but then there were also times of great joy and encouragement. Below is a brief overview of the trip.
We left first thing Monday morning and made the long journey down the Western Ghates, dropping more than 2,000 metres into Tamil Nadu.
Driving down the Western Ghats to the vast plains of Tamil Nadu |
The assemblies we were visiting were all on the east coast of Tamil Nadu. On the way back home we decided to go through a famous town called Ooty, known for being very high up in the mountains and surrounded by vast tea plantations.
Map of South India showing the route we travelled |
One of the assembly hall's in Tamil Nadu - Kalakasthinadhapuram |
One of the bible messages I gave was from Genesis 28 when God spoke to Jacob through a dream and promised him that the saviour of the world would be born through his descendants. God also reminded Jacob that He was with him. Jacob was at the lowest point of his life and found great comfort in these words so he called the place where he was at 'Bethel', which means 'The house of God'. It is the same name that Raju chose to call this assembly hall in Tamil Nadu.
"Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you." - Genesis 28:15
Singing before a bible message in a small house one evening |
Organising the building of new houses for those in real need |
A family and neighbours gather together for a bible message - Akkur |
The above video is of the assembly in Sembadhaneruppu where an evangelist called David is working. The believers in the area of Tamil Nadu that we visited were all very poor and would only earn around $4 NZD per day. But it was of great encouragement to see their faith in the Lord and their joy in what little that they had.
Using a laptop to show pictures to explain God's Word - Konganodai |
The difference in the temperatures from Tamil Nadu - Hunsur - New Zealand |
The weather was extremely hot and at times it got up to 38ยบ which made things very difficult. Especially when the power would go out during a meeting and there would be no fans to cool you off. The heat affects everything, eating, sleeping, and even thinking. It certainly is a pleasant welcome to be back in Hunsur in one piece and for it to be a reasonable temperature once again.
A very intimidating looking local Hindu temple |
Watching the sun set one evening over the endless paddy fields |
The Lord certainly is at work in Tamil Nadu and no doubt all throughout the world. The best way we can further His work is through prayer. Much prayer is needed for the believers in the areas that we visited.
There are five main places where assembly work is going on:
[Name of the area] -- [Name of the evangelist working]
- Akkur -- Ravi
- Sembadhaneruppu -- David
- Konganodai -- Abraham
- Kalakasthinadhapuram -- Abraham
- Mudikandanallore -- Somu
Prayer for the following points would be appreciated:
- That our time spent in Tamil Nadu may of been a great encouragement to the believers there and that their faith may be built up from the messages spoken
- Wisdom for those in leadership to use any funds they've received wisely
- That the gospel may go out and reach those who are lost
"So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it." - Isaiah 55:11
Praising the Lord for His grace and mercy during our time in Tamil Nadu.
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