Tuesday, 25 September 2018

The Lord's Work in India

Well I thought I would be writing this back home in New Zealand as I had planned to leave India last week. However after a turn of events I am in fact still in India and not sure for how long. It has certainly been quite the challenge to my faith as I know the Lord is at work through these circumstances but it is nevertheless very stressful and difficult at times.

So last week I made it to the airport and checked in for my flight on the Tuesday night but as I was going through immigration there was an unexpected problem. I had mistakenly not seen the 90 day stay limit on my visa and I had overstayed by seven days. I am now in the process of applying for an exit permit which can take up to two weeks before I am allowed to leave the country. Unfortunately Indian government offices are not run very efficiently and clear instructions are hard to find.

However amidst these difficulties I have clearly been able to see the Lord's grace and mercy in having various people help me with support, advice and prayer. After spending most of last week in Bangalore I am now back in Hunsur with Raju at the Children's Home waiting for this exit permit to process. It certainly is a blessing to be with Raju and the children here and with the Lord's strength I will try to make the most of my time here with teaching His Word.

Once again prayer is always appreciated and much needed in the working out of God's plan in me and through me, that I may remain faithful to the Lord is all things.

"Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints." - Ephesians 6:18

Everyone happy with their new bedsheets and pillows
Everyone excited with their new pillows and bedsheets
Last week we managed to get a few things organised to give out to the children. Much needed pillows and bedsheets which everyone was very excited and thankful for. New bible bags which took over a month to organise with several visits back and forth to the supplier in Mysore. They are a large size with strong quality waterproof material and a custom name printed on them, 'BCH HUNSUR', short for Bethel Children's Home. We ordered 100 of them and handed all but four of them out. There were also about 30 new bibles that we gave to the children who needed them.

Handing out new bibles and bible bags
Handing out new bible bags and bibles
The new bedside boxes installed next to each bed
The new bedside boxes installed next to each bed
Special holiday sweets for the kids afternoon snack
Special holiday sweets for the kids afternoon snack
3,000 new chicks have been added to the chicken farm
3,000 new chicks have been added to the chicken farm
On Sunday morning we continued our study through the book of Ephesians with looking at chapter 4 and verses 17 to 24. In how we are called to walk in Christ by doing three things; putting off the old man, renewing our minds, and putting on the new man. Even though I wasn't expecting to be there last Sunday nevertheless our time together proved to be a blessing. 

I also took the youth meeting where we looked at our second study on the armour of God in Ephesians 6. We also got outside and played a few large group games which everybody really enjoys.

John Mark with his wife (Namita) and son (Samuel)
John Mark with his wife (Namita) and son (Samuel)
Overall I am certainly praising the Lord that I can spend more time here with the children as it is a real blessing. I would really hope to return to India again sometime soon if it is the Lord's will and continue His work here but I will no doubt be praying for it continually and I would hope to encourage you to do the same.

Prayer is need for the salvation of each child, the building up of their faith, coming to a fuller understanding of God's Word, that they would be shaped into the character of Christ, and be fit to do His service. Please pray also for Raju, Shanthi and the other leaders that they may be given wisdom, guidance, support for the children's needs, and they may continue to be a Christ-like example to the children. May His work continue to grow.

Praise the Lord.