Saturday, 15 September 2018

Photos from the Week #10

As this is my last full week in India there has been quite a rush to get everything organised before I leave. However it is so rewarding when I can take time to look around and see the wonderful work that the Lord is actively doing here at the Children's Home. Even from my short time here I can see real spiritual fruit in these children's lives and I know that our time in the Word of God will stick with them for the rest of their lives.

We had our final bible study on Friday night looking at the last part of the book of Esther. Our studies on Esther have been greatly profitable as it has really challenged each one of us to strengthen our faith in the Lord. Everyone was full of laugher upon hearing of Haman's trap for Mordecai had turned back on himself. The below verse is when Mordecai was telling Esther that if she did not say anything to the king to save them that no doubt God will provide another way for salvation.

"For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place ..." - Esther 4:14

It is incredible to see the strong faith that Mordecai had in believing the promises of God to his forefathers. The challenge for us is to have this same faith. One of our memory verses is below which tells us how we are to grow our faith, and that is by studying the Word of God.

"Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God." - Romans 10:17

Everyone ready to learn at an early morning Bible Study
Everyone ready to learn at an early morning Bible Study
On Monday there was an entire nation wide ban on working as a means of striking against the Indian Government for a raise in fuel taxes. This was only decided two days before the actual day, which would have distributed a lot of workers. And if that was not enough Wednesday and Thursday were also a national public holiday as Hindu's celebrate one of their many gods. So we tried to make the most of these days off school by having a morning bible study and playing games around the home.

Lots of hands to help prepare the new bed sheets and pillows
Lots of hands to help prepare the new bed sheets and pillows
We organised with a local guy to make 100 small metal boxes for the children. They will be attached to the walls next to each bed so everyone can put their bibles and other personal items in them. Everyone is very excited for them and I am sure they will be well used.

The older boys showing their finished paint work on the new bedside boxes
The older boys showing their finished paint work on the new bedside boxes
Shashank (13) showing that he really enjoys eating corn
Arun working hard digging dirt to find a leaking pipe
Arun (15) working hard digging dirt to find a leaking pipe
The boys playing volleyball in the heat of the day
The boys playing volleyball in the heat of the day
The kids playing games outsides in the late afternoon
The kids playing games outsides in the late afternoon
The shed at the children's home all ready for another batch of small chickens
The shed at the children's home all ready for another batch of small chickens
The weather certainly is very hot and it is sometimes difficult to stay cool. Prayer would be appreciated that my health may continue to be strong especially during these last few days and that the during back to New Zealand will go smoothly. I plan to catch a bus up to Bangalore on Tuesday 18th as my flight leaves at 11pm that night. I should arrive back in Auckland at about the same time on Wednesday night. I will try to put up one more blog next week as a final wrap up of my time in India.