Saturday, 16 June 2018

The Lord at Work

Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders which You have done; and Your thoughts towards us; There is none to compare with You... Let those who love Your salvation say continually, "The Lord be magnified!". - Psalms 40:5, 16

I am very thankful to the Lord that I have made it safely to India. It was a very long and challenging journey but after 20+ hours of travel by plane and bus I have finally arrived at the children's home in Hunsur on Friday evening 15th.

Stepping off the plane for the third time in India is still a huge culture shock. The smell, the dust, the noise, the vast number of people everywhere, and the primitive look of everything, almost makes me think I am in another world entirely.

Being welcomed by everyone at the children's home
Being welcomed by everyone at the children's home