Saturday, 16 June 2018

The Lord at Work

Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders which You have done; and Your thoughts towards us; There is none to compare with You... Let those who love Your salvation say continually, "The Lord be magnified!". - Psalms 40:5, 16

I am very thankful to the Lord that I have made it safely to India. It was a very long and challenging journey but after 20+ hours of travel by plane and bus I have finally arrived at the children's home in Hunsur on Friday evening 15th.

Stepping off the plane for the third time in India is still a huge culture shock. The smell, the dust, the noise, the vast number of people everywhere, and the primitive look of everything, almost makes me think I am in another world entirely.

Being welcomed by everyone at the children's home
Being welcomed by everyone at the children's home

After getting off the bus and fighting my way through the masses of people trying to get my attention I managed to get pickup by Raju, bags and all, without any problems. When I arrived at the children's home I was greeted by everyone and officially welcomed in.

It was fantastic to see all of the children again and to see how much they have grown as I had made good friends with a lot of them. It was also encouraging to see many new faces as there have been 13 new children join the orphanage since last year, bringing the total up past 80 which is huge.

Handing out New Zealand gifts to all of the children
It really is impressive to see the Lord at work. In how He has grown this orphanage and provided for the needs of these very precious children. Not only their physical needs but their spiritual needs too. Even amidst a challenging environment like India where the majority of people despise Christ, He is still actively at work engaging the hearts of the people. The word of God is living and active... - Hebrews 4:12

Bethel Children's Home - Hunsur, India
Bethel Children's Home - Hunsur, India
The children's home is looking bright and colourful with its newly painted buildings. The recently completed girls dorm and toilet facilities are also a very welcomed addition and shows that there is still room for more children which is great.

Heavy rain falls at the orphanage
Heavy rain falls at the orphanage
I can see so many wonderful opportunities here to further the Lord's work and I am really looking forward to diving into the word of God with the children over the coming months.

The weather is a warm 26 degrees with the occasional heavy downpour as it is currently considered the wet season. I have settled in well in my room and am beginning to plan out the topics for the bible studies and youth meetings.

Unfortunately I have come down with a bad cold which is making things difficult so I am trying to rest up as much as possible. I think it has come about from the extreme change in climate and stress of travelling.

Overall it is a very surreal feeling being back in India as I have been thinking and praying about returning ever since I left. Being here truely puts everything in life into the perspective of God's eternal plan.

The above video is something I found online which I think sums up India pretty well.

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