Thursday, 5 July 2018

Photos from the Week #2

It has been a busy week that has flown by so quickly. The bible studies each evening continue to be successful and we are now looking at the life of Jacob. It's a great help having a projector as I use it to supplement the bible study with pictures, maps, videos, memory verses, language translations, key notes, and songs. It engages all of the children well and helps them to remember the study.

We are aiming to start a weekly youth meeting this coming Sunday. It's focus is to meet the spiritual needs of the young people in the assembly by building up their faith and understanding key bible doctrine. But it is challenging to know what actually are their spiritual needs and what their level of understanding about God's word is however I have confidence that the Lord will make our time together profitable.

The boys at the children's home on a Sunday afternoon
The boys at the children's Home on a Sunday afternoon