Friday, 31 August 2018

Photos from the Week #8

Each week has its own challenges spiritually and physically. The enemy often tries to discourage me but as I look around at what the Lord is doing here I am continually reminded of His faithfulness not only towards me but for each one of these children and I know that He will fulfil His desired work in them.

We continue to have such a wonderful time at our evening Bible studies at the children's home. It really is a privilege to teach the Word of God every night to such a large and eager audience. For I know that what they learn from these studies will stick with them for life and will hopefully build them up into strong and mature followers of Christ who are firmly grounded in the truth and are able to also teach others some day.

Everyone ready for another evening Bible Study
Everyone ready for another evening Bible Study
As we continue to study the life of Joseph it is amazing to see the big picture of God's plan and purpose for his life. Last night we read Genesis 43 and 44. What really stood out to me was the huge change that we can see in Joseph's brothers lives, especially Judah. For 22 years ago he was the one who pushed the idea to sell Joseph as a slave to Egypt which shows how much he did not care about his brother. But now in chapter 44 we see him fully changed in how he begs to take the punishment of his youngest brother upon himself, that is to be a slave to Egypt, this surely shows the great love that he now has for his brothers and his father, in wanting to give up his own life to save his brother.

The physical battle continues as I thought the sickness that I had last week was easing off but it actually had me out of action all of this week too. A heavy cold and gastro stomach bug off and on does make things difficult but now I do appear to be on top of it which is a good thing. I think it must be from the unusually colder climate in Hunsur as a lot of the children are sick also. It is certainly is tough living in a foreign country trying to adjust to the diet and the climate.

Abishek, Elizabeth, Mounika and Roshini showing off their School projects
Abhishek, Elizabeth, Mounika and Roshini showing off their School projects
Sport Day winners showing their prizes - certificates, plaques and eating plates
Sport Day winners showing their prizes - certificates, plaques and eating plates
A local tailor working hard to make adjustments to my shirt
A local tailor working hard to make adjustments to my new shirt
Raju's car packed full of supplies for people in need
Raju's car packed full of supplies for people in need
Over the last month there has been major flooding in an area that is about one hour drive away from Hunsur. Raju knows an assembly there that he helped setup some time ago. He heard of their real need for basic supplies as most of their houses and possessions were lost in the floods. So earlier this week he filled up his car with as much supplies as he could, everything from blankets and rice to toothbrushes and soap. He had some difficulties trying to deliver the supplies as police road blocks stopped him and advised him that they will distribute any supplies however Raju told me that they will actually persecute Christians by purposefully excluding them from the government supply handouts stations. But Raju found a way around and managed to drop the supplies off to the Christians in need which was a big encouragement for them.

Sandhya (13) - New this year to Bethel Children's Home
Sandhya (13) - New this year to Bethel Children's Home
The above picture is of a lovely girl called Sandhya who has joined the children's home earlier this year. Just like the other children she too has another sad story to share. Last year her mother gave up on living and decided to commit suicide but not before telling Sandhya to do the same. And just like most single parent families in India, her father couldn't keep up the costs of looking after her so he managed to get her into Bethel Children's Home. All of this has no doubt had a big affect on her life but after coming here she has really bounced back and now has a real desire to follow the Lord. I recently gave her a leather English bible as she likes reading English.

On Thursday there was a big magic show at the school which they normally show once a year. A small group of somewhat talented magicians performed for all the students for over an hour an a half. They did everything from cutting someone in half to making a student float to telling funny jokes and dancing. Everyone got quite a laugh out of it. Below is a video of one of the acts.

The second video below is the school boys Kabaddi team playing a match against another school. It's quite an interesting game to watch as it requires a lot of skill, mentally and physically. In essence it's a game of tag, where one person from a team must try to tag as many people from the opposing team as they can and then make it back over the centre line without getting pinned to the ground. This video is not from the actual Sports Day last week but from another competition as I was too scared to take any videos on the day as there must have been five times as many spectators watching than this game.