Thursday, 26 July 2018

Photos from the Week #4

Praising the Lord for the week that He has given. I've managed to recover from last weeks trip to Tamil Nadu and now back into the full schedule of everyday life in India. We started the Sunday youth meetings two weeks back and they seem to be a success so far. There are a large number of keen youth ready to learn from God's Word which is a real blessing. So far we've looked at the importance of knowing the truth of God's Word from Ephesians 4:11-16, being a disciple of Christ, and how to share our personal Christian testimony. Our time together is split into a portion of teaching, discussion questions, and small group studies, with a video or game to end with. I would ask for prayer that our time together may be greatly profitable in God's Word and a real strengthening of the faith of these young people.

A packed class for the Sunday Youth Meeting in Hunsur
A packed class for the Sunday Youth Meeting in Hunsur