Thursday, 12 July 2018

Photos from the Week #3

It's a real joy to be able to serve the Lord in India and I much prefer it over working back in New Zealand. Even though at times it is very challenging and difficult, it still proves to be far more rewarding. By God's grace I am remaining in good health and am continuing to serve Him through teaching His word and showing forth His character.

On Sunday morning after the breaking of bread we looked at the faithful unnamed servant of Abraham in Genesis 24 and how we can learn from his example to serve the Lord more faithfully. For he was one who took up the task of travelling a long distance to find a wife for Isaac. He didn't complain but was focused on the job at hand.

The girls at the children's home excited with their new posters
The girls at the children's home excited with their new posters

I brought over with me from New Zealand four large posters of maps for the boys and girls rooms at the children's home. We managed to find time last weekend to hang them up and every was very excited with them. It's often the simple things that these children really love which in contrast to growing up in New Zealand they would otherwise be overlooked.

I am teaching the children a new song as they love to sing. It's an old hymn called 'At the Cross', the chorus says:
At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light,
And the burden of my heart rolled away,
It was there by faith I received my sight,
And now I am happy all the day!

It's a great reminder of how faith in the Lord Jesus Christ's work on the cross not only puts us at peace from the burdens of life but opens our eyes to the truth where we can rejoice.

Renior taking an evening bible study on Proverbs 30:24-25
Renior taking an evening bible study on Proverbs 30:24-25
The always happy Akul (8)
The always happy Akul (8) - An example of God's grace
There is a young boy at the children's home that I've gotten to know quite well, his name is Akul and he's 8 years old. He and his younger sister have been here for the last two years. He always has a big smile on his face and is very bright kid. His father died some years ago and his mother has gone into prostitution. She only visits once or twice a year and shows very little interest in them. It is really only by God's grace that they have ended up here and what a change it has made to their lives. Not only a safe environment and good education but having the Word of God taught to him daily and for him to know the love of Christ makes all the difference.

Anil packing lunch boxes in the morning for the school day ahead
Anil filling up lunch boxes with rice for school
Sunday afternoon drive through the town of Hunsur
Sunday afternoon drive through the town of Hunsur
Heavy rain has caused the Hunsur river to become quite dangerous
Heavy rain has caused the Hunsur river to become quite dangerous
Next week myself, Raju and his son Samuel are planning to travel to Tamil Nadu, Lord willing. It will be about 500km of driving and we will aim to spend four days there. We will be visiting a few assemblies, meeting various believers, and taking some youth meetings. I'm a bit nervous about the travel as I tend to get sick quite easily in India but hoping our time there may be greatly profitable. Prayer would be much appreciated.

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